Crazy glue

In April, when I was bumping around the blogosphere, I said I’d give myself till the end of June to decide if whether or not to continue this blog.

And lo and behold it’s June 30 and the verdict is:

I’m here to say (though still bumping around).

A few observations:
– I really enjoy having an outlet for writing/publishing

– This blog is (and will probably always be) more verbal than visual (but hey, so am I)

– When I started, my ranking was 2.5 million (or thereabouts). Now, according to Technorati, it’s around 1.1 million. If I can just get it to the low 500,000s…

Google analytics are a somewhat addictive toy to find out who’s been coming to visit

Look back, look waaay back…

I was walking through the CBC building, when I noticed, in the broadcaster’s ‘museum’, a Friendly Giant display. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, Friendly Giant was a Canadian kid’s TV icon, a winsome, recorder-playing giant who palled around with a giraffe and highly literate rooster.

The display featured his castle, tunic, the real Jerome the Giraffe, a slightly worn Rusty the Rooster still in his book bag and even the armchair where ‘two more could curl up in’.

And it really took me back (and aback). How something so painfully naïve resonated with a generation of children. It’s still very vivid to me. Like Nancy Sinatra’s boots or the Beatles on Ed Sullivan.

Those were the days when you could catch an unknown performer on Sunday evening and on Monday, they were a star. The days when you turned on ‘the tee-vee’ and watched what was on. And you lived in the comfort that pretty much everyone you encountered had the same shared experience as you so there was this automatic common ground.

I know we have more choice these days. And really that’s quite exciting. I know there’s something fresh and new and ‘completely different’ around the corner. (But which corner is it? I want to know.)

Yes, social media certainly lives up to its name. But still I miss the Friendly Giant. And Ed Sullivan. And Johnny Carson.

I guess I’m pining for a simpler time.

What does 40 years look like?

According to biblical myth, the ancient Israelites wandered the dessert for 40 years in their trek from Egypt to the Promised Land. (Shameless plug: not this ‘Promised Land’.)

But if you want to see what 40 contemporary years (1967 to 2007) look (and sound) like, Giovanni Rogriguez spins two versions of the Foundations hit, ‘Baby, Now That I’ve Found You’ – from then and now.

Same words, same music. Yet each rendition evokes its time.

Stuck in NYC

I was heading back to Toronto from a day of meetings in Manhattan when my plane was cancelled at the airport (all Air Canada flights to Toronto, actually). And I found myself stranded overnight in NYC.

An adventure, to be sure, but not as exciting as I might have imagined. First there was the hubbub at the airport, the line-up to find out what flight we were now on, the taxi ride back to the city, the calls to (hopefully) get a hotel room, an alternate booking with another airline, emails/calls explaining what happened and then arranging an early wake-up to go to the airport again.

But back to the announcement. Folks at LaGuardia were flipping out and I could relate to their frustration (remembering an incident with the now defunct People Express airlines long ago). But this time I decided to accept my predicament and even laugh about it. Why get all hot under the collar (as we so often do) when you find yourself in a situation where you have absolutely no control?

Sometimes it’s better to just go with the flow…

Scobleized in Cabo

Yes, this is another ‘obligatory’ blog post following a keynote by BG (blogging guru) and Google search engine’s number one Robert (Scoble) at the 2007 Counselors Academy Spring Conference.

He was, in many ways, an anti-motivational speaker. No power point. No empowering epithets. He talked with a little boy’s excitement that was contagious and was personable, passionate and mischievously smart. It was refreshing.

Here are a few of Robert’s thoughts that stood out for me:

– He can now shoot and broadcast video live from his cell phone. And the quality looks pretty good. Talk about reality TV… It’s quite amazing when you stop to think that not that long ago families were huddled around Ed Sullivan on Sunday nights.

– He feels the question: ‘How do we get to important bloggers?’ is the wrong approach. Stories that interest people can start from anyone, anywhere and spread really fast. It’s like the tipping point on warp speed.

– PR lesson #1: If a story breaks that’s not true, advise your client to refute it immediately – on video, online. And you need a credible C-suite rep as spokesperson.

– It’s a Google world. So if you want someone to find you, you need to figure out ways to boost your proverbial ‘Google juice’.

– When he reads about a new story, his initial reaction is that it’s untrue. Then, as more posts come in from credible sources and the story takes shape, it begins to become ‘more true’. But Robert Scoble’s an informed reader and mass consumer of blogs. I just don’t know if the general public reads things with the same critical eye. I think it’s difficult for many people to differentiate between opinion and documented fact.

– Watching Twittervision made me realize how much stuff out here is based on pure chance encounters – entropic, really – which is one of the things that makes it so appealing.

Post post haste

We live in a world with so much writing, it’s getting harder to come up with an original thought.

Case in point (albeit a small one): Tonight’s title, ‘Post Haste’… was going to be about what happens when your blog entry is written so fast it contains bad grammar, half-baked ideas, typos, etc.

But I decided to do a a quick search and sure enough someone beat me to it.

I guess I didn’t post hastily enough.